The Individual Patrol Officer Kit (IPOK) from North American Rescue is designed to provide personnel with a cost effective, compact and durable individual hemorrhage control kit to treat bleeding from penetrating and other traumatic injuries. These kits are packaged for small cube space and designed to fit into a BDU pocket, vest pouch, or individual bag, which allows personnel to keep a compact bleeding control kit on their person, where it is needed most. The contents are vacuum sealed in an easy-to-open, rugged, durable package featuring NAR's Red Tip Technology® signature red tear notches.
- 1 x pair Black Talon® Nitrile Trauma Gloves, lg.
- 1 x C-A-T® (Combat Application Tourniquet®) Black
- 1 x Wound Packing Gauze (4.5 in. x 4.1 yd)
- 1 x Flat ETD™ 4 in. Emergency Trauma Dressing
- Packaged: H 4 in. x W 6.5 in. x D 2.75 in.
- Weight: 7.7 oz
For a single Combat Application Tourniquet: CLICK HERE
For an Individual Aid Kit: CLICK HERE
For Magpul Daka Utility Organizers: CLICK HERE