By Chad de Alva
Air filter maintenance is most likely not your favorite maintenance task. If you’re still using an air filter oil that requires the use of gnarly chemicals or solvents to clean the filter, this is probably even more true. No one wants to deal with the hassle of properly storing, using, and disposing of chemicals that aren’t good for the environment. Thankfully, there is a better way. Enter Motorex’s Racing Bio Air Filter Oil and Cleaner, a system of air filter oil and cleaner that is completely biodegradable and so much easier to use, that you’ll wonder why you didn’t switch sooner.
Cleaning an air filter the old way goes something like this: you ride your bike and get your filter dirty. You check your filter and convince yourself that you can get one more ride out of it. Depending on how lazy you are, you may repeat this step a few more times until things get really dirty – but then the day comes. You’ve finally decided to clean the filter. Depending on the system you’re using this may mean buckets of solvent or cans of aerosol cleaner. Either way, it’s a process and it takes time to get a filter clean. You have to get your solvent setup, clean your filter, then deal with your dirty solvent. Then you have to do the same thing with any rinse water. Since your rinse water is now contaminated with solvents, you shouldn’t be running that down the drain. But I’m not the EPA – I’m just saying, do the right thing. The point is, cleaning your filter is a project, which is why so many riders procrastinate on doing it.
Yet, with Motorex Bio Air Filter Oil and Cleaner, the process goes like this: ride your bike and get your filter dirty. You check your filter, and while you certainly could get more use out of it, cleaning it is pretty darn easy, so why not run a cleaner filter more often so your bike can breathe easier? All you need is the cleaner and one small bucket. You head to the kitchen sink where you add a shake of

Motorex Racing Bio Air Filter Cleaner powder to a few liters of warm water, and dunk your filter in. Let the filter soak for 10-15 minutes, then work it for a couple of minutes to get all the contaminants out. Rinse and dry the filter and you’re good to go. There is no solvent to manage – dirty wash water can go down the drain.
Oiling the filter with Motorex Bio Air Filter Oil is just as easy. Take a one gallon zip-lock bag and toss your filter in, add oil and work (don’t wring) the filter to ensure even oil distribution. Then allow the filter to dry for two hours before using. If you have a second filter (and you should) you can store oiled filters in sealed bags.
Motorex Racing Bio Air Filter Oil and Cleaner makes it easy to
ensure that you have a perfectly clean filter. There’s no need to wait for contaminated solvent to settle out, and no worrying if aerosol cleaners are really getting every last bit of contaminated oil out of your filter. Dirty Bio Air Filter Cleaner can be run down the drain and mixing up more cleaner takes seconds, so making more cleaning solution is as easy as it gets. This means that you can have absolute confidence in the fact that your filter is completely clean before you rinse, dry, and oil it again.

Protection wise, Motorex Racing Bio Air Filter Oil has performed flawlessly. We’re currently in the heart of dry season here in Arizona, and the trails and tracks are at their dustiest. Yet nothing from sand dune riding to silt has made it past the filter on any bike that we’ve used this air filter oil on. We’ve also experienced zero draining of the oil out of the filter. Motorex claims that the Bio Air Filter Oil prevents the penetration of water through the filter. While we haven’t had the opportunity to test this under riding conditions, some shade tree science has confirmed this claim. Yet don’t take that to mean that this oil makes your filter impervious to water. I’m sure if you try hard enough you can get water past the filter.

If you’re still oiling your air filter with an oil that requires gnarly chemicals or solvents to clean, you need to get on the bio oil train. With Motorex Racing Bio Air Filter Oil and Cleaner, air filter maintenance is so much easier. You no longer have to deal with handling, storing and disposing of gnarly chemicals. Bio Cleaner always gets a filter perfectly clean, and used cleaner can just go down the drain, making the process as easy as possible. The net effect of an easier cleaning process is that you’re more likely to clean your filter, which makes for a better running bike. Seriously – there is no reason not to use a bio air filter oil and cleaner. Protection wise, it works just as well if not better than the old school stuff, it’s easier to clean, and it’s better for the environment. So make the switch today. For information on Motorex Racing Bio Air Filter Oil and Cleaner, visit www.MOTOREX.com. Check out www.TMBRMOTO.com for a complete line of Motorex Products.